Friday 31 May 2013

Mercy of Allah swt

Allah swt says in the Quran(7:156)
"and My Mercy embraces all things."
at another place(39:53)
"..Truly, He is Forgiving, Most Merciful"

Mercy of Allah swt has been bestowed on us in the form of His love, Forgiveness and better Hereafter for us. He is Al-Raheem(Merciful). Prophet(pbuh) said
"Allah has divided Mercy in 100 parts; and He retained with Him 99 parts and sent down to earth 1 part..."
{Reported by Abu Hurairah: Bukhari and Muslim}
SubhanAllah, we are amazed of how they are some very kind people who flourish on earth but that is through that 1 part Allah swt has sent down to earth. Imagine how Merciful our Rabb would be who has 99 such parts.

His mercy has so vastness that can be judged from the following Hadith.
Prophet(pbuh) said
"Whoever testifies that there is no true god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Allah swt saves him from Hell fire"
This means only believing in Oneness of Allah can be a way of escaping hell fire. What we have to do is simply admit to our Creator and out of his vast majority, He will save us from Hell fire if He wills.

Further, Allah assures us that doing sins is in human nature and He will forgive us out of His mercy if asked for forgiveness. Prophet(pbuh) said
"Were you not to commit sins, Allah would create people who would commit sins and ask for forgiveness and He would forgive them."
Allah loves when a slave commits and then rushes to Him, in order to ask for forgiveness as pointed out by above hadith.

Allah swt has set many easy ways of finding His Mercy for the human beings. In Salat, Dhikr(Remembrance), asking for Forgiveness, dua(prayer), Admitting to His Oneness and Praising Him, one is sure to feel the sweetness of His Mercy.
Prophet(pbuh) said
"Allah is pleased with His slave who eats a meal and praises Him for it; and takes a drink and praises Him for it"

SubhanAllah such easy ways to please our Lord, our Rabb. His pleasure is a way of attaining His Mercy.
But little do we understand. Our sole purpose of life should be to seek Allah's Mercy and for that we have to get connected with Allah swt and His good people. May Allah swt shower his Mercy upon us(Ameen).

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Hadith taken from Riyad us Saliheen

Hazrat Nooh( AS) History

source: Book by hazrat shaykh zulfiqar Ahmad

Hazrat Nooh AS strived for 950 years to guide his people onto the right path,  but the people of Nooh remained adamant on their path of ruin and vice, and ill mannerism and wretchedness. It is therefore that Almighty Allah said:
" Undoubtedly they were a blind race"

Once after getting disheartened due to the obstinacy and displeasure of his people, Hazrat Nooh prayed:

"Oh Almighty Allah, do not keep any house of the infidels safe on the Earth"
Almighty Allah accepted the prayer of HIS dear Prophet sws, and sent a revelation to Him, " Prepare a boat as soon as storm will come. You and your family will be saved while the name and the signs of the infidels will be obliterated".
Hazrat Nooh AS constructed a boat and asked the righteous to climb on the board. One of his sons was unfaithful and refused to come on board. Hazrat Nooh AS repeatedly tried to make him understand the reality, but he was adamant and ultimately drowned in the storm. Hazrat Nooh AS was overpowered by parental love and he prayed:
" O my cherisher, my son is from my family. Undoubtely, YOUR promise is real, and You are the supreme judge"
Each word of his prayer is a testimony of great respect and regard for Almighty Allah. Notice that Hazrat Nooh AS did not say;
" Oh Allah , my son was drowned, thus YOUR promise is not fulfilled"

However, Almighty Allah said at that moment,
" O Nooh! He is not from amongst your family, his deeds were undignified. Do not talk to ME about the one whose nature you do not know. I advise you not to be amongst the ignorant"

Hazrat Nooh AS trembled with fear on this caution from Almighty Allah, and said,
" Oh Almighty Allah , I seek your protection from questioning an issue, the reality of which I do not know. If YOU do not forgive me, and do not have mercy on me, I will be amongst the loosers"

Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani RA while explaining this verse, writes:
" Hazrat Nooh AS trembled and seeked forgiveness"
He AS didn't say that in future He AS will not do so again, because in saying so an element of contention is evident. A human being has neither ability nor power to accomplish anything by himself.  Thus man should always seek protection of Almighty Allah  from going astray again , and should maintain firm resolve in his heart of not repeating the mistake again.

The word of repentance of Hazrat Adam and hazrat Younus which are given in the Holy Quran also reflect similar respect and regard for Almighty Allah.
by : Ramsha Amir

Thursday 30 May 2013

Remembrance of Allah swt

Allah swt says in Quran(2:152)
"Therefore, Remember me(by praying, glorifying), I will remember you"
at another place(62:10)
"And remember Allah much that you be successful"
and at another(33:35)
".... men and women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward(jannah)"

These are just a few Ayahs in Quran in which Allah orders his slaves to remember him in all times, there are many more that imply the importance and virtues of remembering Allah swt. Allah swt is our Creator and what He wants from us is that we remember Him, glorify Him, ask from Him and admit Him as our Rabb.

Remembrance of Allah is the way of earning Allah's mercy and forgiveness. Aisha(R.A) narrates" The Messenger of Allah used to remember Allah at all times.
On the other hand, one who does not remember Allah swt is akin to death.
Abu Musa Al Ashari reported: "Prophet(pbuh) said " The similitude of one who remember his Rabb and one who does not remember Him, is like that of a living and dead."

Remembering Allah swt is as like enjoying the company of Allah swt. It brings the person closer and closer to Allah swt. Abu Hurairah(R.A) reported:  Prophet(pbuh) said "Allah swt says: I am as my slave expects me to be and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers me inwardly, I will remember him Inwardly and if he remembers Me in an assembly, I will remember him in a better assembly(angels)."

SubhanAllah, what honour that person has, who remember Allah swt. Allah swt of all His creation Remembers him. How Merciful and Gracious our Rabb is that for our little much of His remembrance, He rewards us so much.  May Allah swt give us the taufeeq to remember Him and may Allah swt makes us among Zakireen. (Ameen)
Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Hadith taken from Riyad us Saliheen

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Lowering your Gaze

Allah swt says in Quran(24:30-31)

"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty, that is purer for them. Indeed Allah is acquainted with what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty..."

at another place in Quran(40:19)

"Allah knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breast conceals"

The above ayahs of the Quran clearly orders the momineen to safeguard their gaze from haram that is glancing lustful looks on the opposite gender that is Non-Mahram (someone who you can marry). This is because casting such glances leads the a person outside the circle of modesty and Haya. On the Day of Resurrection our eyes will be questioned by Allah swt as said in the Quran(17:36)

"Verily, the hearing, the sight and the heart, of each of those ones will be questioned(by Allah)"

What answer we will give to Allah swt as how did we use His gifts in haram and evil.
Imam Rabbani (R.A) said
"Whenever a person glances at non-mehram, he actually moves away from Allah swt"

Unfortunately, today people have developed strange excuses to justify their gaze at opposite gender. A misconception is that one glance is allowed towards non-mehram women. The following hadith will negate this.
Jarir bin Abdullah said " I asked Prophet(pbuh) about (islamic ruling) of accidental glance(at a woman one is not allowed to look at) and he ordered me to turn my eyes away" {Muslim}

Another excuse men give when asked to lower their gaze is, they say that its the women who make themselves so attractive and fashionable that the eyes cannot resist watching them. They totally blame it on women however here I will present another Hadith that will simply clear their misconceptions and excuses.

Al-Fadl bin Abbas rode behind the Prophet(pbuh) as his companion on the back potion of his she camel on the day of Sacrifice(10 Zilhaj) and Al-Fadl was a handsome man. The Prophet(pbuh) stopped to give people verdicts. In the mean time, a beautiful woman from tribe of Khath'am came asking for the verdict of Allah's Apostle. Al-Fadl started looking at her as her beauty attracted him. The Prophet(pbuh) looked behind while Al-Fadl was looking at her; so Prophet(pbuh) held out his hand backwards and turned the chin 
of Al-Fadl away such that he could not stare at her.
Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Volume 8, book 74, Number 247 Sahih Bukhari)

Above incident strictly instructs men to lower their gaze first rather blurting out at the women. One should have a look at their own faults rather than others. The eyes and the ears are windows to the soul. If they are not used in the right way, they may lead to the loss of spirituality from a person. May Allah swt give us the Taufeeq to guard our gaze and Modesty(Ameen) 

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reliance on Allah swt

Allah says in Quran(3:159)
"...For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)"
and at another place in Quran(39:38)
"...Say: Sufficient is Allah for me: upon Him (alone) rely the (wise) reliers"
 yet at another(14:12)
"...For those who put their trust should put their trust in Allah"

Tawaqal means to have deep reliance and faith on Allah swt, to leave all his affairs on Him because it is the part of our Imaan that Allah swt is "Al-Mutawaqil" and that Allah swt is the Only Being on whom one can rely on and He is sufficient for us.
In Quran when we read (1:5)
"..It is You we ask for help"
We are actually admitting our faith, our tawaqal on Allah swt and we are actually admitting our helplessness without Him. It also means we do not turn to any other means like black magic, Jinns and spirits but turn to Allah because He alone has the ultimate power to change things. Imam Behqi writes that Tawaqal is one of the characteristics of Imaan and Momineen who believe in Allah swt must also have Tawaqal on Allah swt.
There is a hadith that 70,000* Muslims will go to Jannah without any Hisaab(trial). Scholars have indicated that these 70,000 people will be those who only rely on Allah swt.

Further, Imam Behqi makes it clear that reliance on Allah means to handle all your affairs to him after taking into account the causalities, that is after making use of complete resources. There's a misconception that tawaqal means to do nothing and leave everything to Allah swt. That is not the right way. The right way is when you have done your best and you say that, that's the maximum I can do and the rest will be done by Allah swt. That is when you have firm belief in Allah's Powers. Do your best and utilize the maximum of resources, then ask from Allah "O Allah, I have done what I could do, the rest is in Your reach but not mine"

So having Tawaqal is the part of Imaan and we should have trust in Allah that He can save us from evil and bring us the good that we want. May Allah swt make us the people of Tawaqal(Ameen).

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk
*by 70,000, some scholars say it means a large number.

Knowing the Arabs: part 3 ( On the eve of the rise of Islam)

The typical image of the early Arabs as we come to study in the books was first encountered in an inscription of the Assyrian Shalmaneser3, who in 854 BC led an expedition against the King of Damascus and his allied, among whom was an Arabian Sheikh. It was stated" Karkar his royal city, I destroyed, I devastated, I burned with fire..." It is also significant that the first Arabian in recorded history should be associated with the Camel.
In the Pre Islamic age the Arabians were not a military people. Their history was that of traders - of prosperous maritime civilization in the South, which linked India with Africa, and in the North was memorable for the rise of the two great cities on the trade routes, Petra and Palmyra, both in due course destroyed, devastated and both now notable ruins.
Rest apart, it is the rise of Islam , the religion of the submission to the will of Allah, which concerns us most here. It is sufficient to note that by the beginning of the 7th century of the Christian era, the national life developed in the early South Arabia had become utterly disrupted. Vague
At that time Muslims call the era before the appearance of Muhammad sws the Jahiliya period, a term usually rendered as time of ignorance or barbarism. Although, the North Arabians produced no system of writing almost until the time of Muhammad, this was the period in which Arabia has no dispensation , no inspired Prophet and no revealed book.
It was only in the field of poetical expression that the pre Islamic Arabian excelled. The Bedouins love of poetry was his one cultural asset.  Besides being oracle, guide , orators and spokesman of community the poet was its historian and scientist, in so far as it had a scientist. Bedouins measured intelligence by poetry according to the author.
However, in the city of Mecca, in the territory of Hijaz, the barren country standing like barrier between the uplands of Najd and the low coastal region, there was a diety named Allah swt. By ramsha Amir

Monday 27 May 2013

Importance of Courteous Behaviour

This post is inspired by the book Be Courteous Be Blessed by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad

Many of the Muslims complain that with modern education and media Muslims in particular have forgotten ethics and Courteous behaviour that the very Islam taught which is what our society needs today.
Islam is a perfect and complete Deen( Religion) and it has declared the Seerat e Nabwi, way of life of Prophet sws as the origin and source of faith, worship, conduct and manners. This is the very reason that when Islam came in Arabia the most Barbarian and uncivilized community was made civilized in matters of no time. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: that my Lord taught me manners- and best manners indeed.
Thus every momin( believer) should add elegance to his deeds by adopting courteous behavior in every aspect of his/her life. Remember, than a deed that is devoid of courteous behavior is actually devoid of elegance and is thus displeasing with Allah Almighty. It is mentioned in Hadis e Qudsi : Allah Talla is beautiful and likes beauty.
Some Quotes:
1) Hazarat Umar ( RA): First learn courteous behavior then gain knowledge.
2) Hazarat Ali( RA): Everything carries a price- a human price is his knowledge and courteous behavior.
3) Hazarat Abdullah bin Mubarak( RA) : If I come to know of a person who possesses the knowledge of the ancient and the modern times, but is deprived of courteous behavior- I do not feel sorry if I miss a meeting with him. And when I come to know of a person who is said to possess courteous behavior - I feel sorry if I fail to meet him.
By : Ramsha Amir.

Repenters: Beloved of Allah swt (part 2)

Repenters: Beloved of Allah swt (part 2)

In this part of article. I will explain an example of how Allah swt forgave his servant out of his vast Mercy.

The story comes from the time of Taby'een (students of sahabah). Hasan Al-Basri(R.A)was one of the religious Taby'een at that time from whom even the sahabah of Basra would learn Deen. In daytime he used to teach Dars-e-Quran and Hadith and at night he used to conduct Majlis. Majlis is a gathering where there is remembrance of Allah swt, teachings of Allah swt and dua to Allah swt. Both the men and women of Basra were his students.

In his students there was also pious woman who was sincere lover of Allah swt. She had a son, a young man and that young man was a big sinner. He used to commit all type of sins, literally any sin. He could not control his nafs(own desires). Her mother was very worried about him. what she would do is that she used to take him to majlises and gatherings of Hasan Al Basri(R.A). Her son would sit there, listen to Hasan Al-Basri(R.A) but when he would leave, he would still go back in those sins. His mother would request Hasan AL-Basri to talk to his son, give him advise and company (suhbaat). so sometimes Hasan Al-Basri would talk to him yet the young man would always turn back to sins.

Then what happened is that the young man fell sick in his early twenties. He got some disease that was so painful and that made him bedridden. It occurred to him that this is Allah swt punishment to him. He suddenly remembered how he had the chance to live with pious people, learn about the deen and Quran yet now everything seemed to be lost.As he could feel his death approaching him, he thought of asking Taubah from  Allah swt. But he did not know whether Allah swt will forgive him or not on his death bed. He talked to his mother about this. His mother told him not to worry as she will fetch Hasan Al-Basri for him who will explain to him how he should do taubah.

So when his mother came to Hasan Al-Basri to tell him that her son wants to do taubah, Hasan Al-Basri replied in negative. He said that he cannot help her son and excused himself. so when the mother came back, his son could see from her face that Hasan Al-Basri is not coming. He said to his mother "Oh my mother,I have angered Allah so much that now his pious people dont want to meet me. I want to request you that when I die, get a horse, tie a rope around my neck, have my dead body dragged around the city of Basra and have somebody walk along the horse who should announce "Look how sinful people die" " After saying this, he died.

Now the mother was standing there crying and thinking what to do. In the mean time there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and Hasan Al-Basri was standing there worried. He asked "O woman, where is your son?". She replied that he just died a few moments before. Hasan Al-Basri then replied "O woman after you had left, I took a nap and in my sleep, a voice told me "Hasan, you call yourself a friend of Mine?, If you want to save our relationship then go give bath(ghusal) to My Friend and read his namaz-e-janaza as well."" AllahuAkbar. Then Hasan Al-Basri himself read his namaz-e-janaza and lowered him into his grave.

SubhanAllah!!! The great of scholar of his time, Hasan Al-Basri, offered the namaz-e-janza of that young man. why, because in his heart, that young man had made an Intention of Taubah. Allah intensely loves those who make taubah. So what are we waiting for? we have already done enough sins. 20, 25 years of life, its just too much, till when we will continue this sinful life? Lets just ask for Forgiveness from Allah swt. May Allah swt accept our taubah and grant us a life of His Obedience.(Ameen)

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk

Sunday 26 May 2013

About Us

We are just a bunch of university students pursuing our own areas of interest but what brought us together on this blog is our interest in Islam.
   Confronted with the negative perception of religion, Muslims today have two prominent choices: Either they can cry and complain about it Or they can decide to teach other about their faith. If we consider the second option then this assumes that Muslims must be sufficiently educated and well informed with our own religion which unfortunately most Muslims are not. This leads us consider a third relevant option that is to engage in the study and thought process, not just to better understand the religion Islam but also help us better understand how and why so many non- Muslims have come to such an negative impression of this religion.
   Thus keeping the third option in mind we created this blog in hope of bringing some good out of this process. As we conduct our own study we share it with people on the blog so they might get equally benefited from it.


Ramsha Amir
Ramsha Amir is currently perusing her Bachelors degree in Economics and Political Science from Lahore University of Management Sciences. Apart from this, She has also taken courses in History, Literature and Classical Islamic learning.

Ramsha Matin Dar 
Ramsha Matin Dar is currently perusing her Bachelors in Law (BA-LLB) from Lahore University of Management Sciences and has also taken courses in Classical Islamic learning, Fiqh, Tajweed and Tafseer.

Jahanzaib Jamshed
Jahanzaib Jamshed completed his Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Lahore University of Management Sciences and has taken part time courses on Hadith and Quranic Arabic.

Knowing Arabs (Part 2)

The Bedouins.
When knowing Arabs, it is important to first get to know the so called original Arabs that are the Bedouin. The common misconception about the Bedouin is that they are the gypsy roaming just for the sake of roaming without any purpose in life. Instead the gypsy represents the best adaption to human life of the desert conditions. One sees grass growing the Bedouins will go after it seeking the pasture. One considers nomadism as something which is practiced by uncivilized, but wait, nomadism is as much a scientific mode of living in the Nufud as industrialism is in Detroit or Manchester. Nomadism is in fact a reasonable adjustment to an unfriendly environment.

Since the rise of Islam, the pilgrimage has formed the principal link between Arabia and the outer world. In the Fertile crescent, empires have come and gone, but in the barren wastes the Bedouin has remained forever.

The clan organization is the basis of Bedouin society. Every tent represents a family, members of one encampment constitutes a clan. A number of kindred clans grouped together make a tribe. All the members of the same clan consider each others as of one blood, submit to the authority of but one chief.

The phenomenal and almost un paralled efflorescence of the early Islam was due in no small measure to the latent powers of the Bedouins, who, in the words of the Caliph Umar( RA) " furnished Islam with its raw materials".
By : Ramsha Amir
Source: The Arabs : A short story.

Knowing Arabs (Part 1)

This post is inspired by the book The Arabs: A short history written by Philip K. Hitti.

Islam is a religion that is practiced all around the world, but it was Arabia where this religion was introduced and it was the Arabs who were initially involved in the spread of Islam. To understand and study Islam, knowing Arabs is crucial. The story of Arabs is of great significance since at the core of it  is the story of third and one of the great monotheistic religions, that is Islam.

The success of Arabs was so great in the Middle ages that no people in the early middle ages participated and contributed to human progress and development in the middle ages as much as the Arabs did. Arabs scholars were so educated that they were studying Aristotle when Charlemagne and his lords were reportedly learning to write just their names. Moreover, scientists in Cordova, under the privilege of their seventeen great libraries , with one library including alone 400, 000 volumes, Arabs enjoying luxurious baths at a time when washing the body was considered dangerous custom at the University of Oxford.

The Arabic language today is the medium of expression for around 100 million people. Not only that, for many centuries it was the language of culture, learning and progressive thought throughout the civilized world. Not only that, in the ninth century to all the way up to the twelfth century, more medical, historical, religious, philosophical, astronomical and geographical works were produced in Arabic language and through the medium of Arabic than any other language.

Lastly, the Arabian Moslems, as a result of their widespread conquests, became through the Aramaeans heirs of early Semites.  They also inherited elements of the South Arabian culture. Through out the centuries the Arabs have flourished so much that one tends to question as to what was it that they became so successful and the only reason is Islam, the religion that guides a man towards success, towards prosperity and the desire to move forward in life for the way of Islam.
By: Ramsha Amir.

Allah's Name

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Allah (swt) says in the Quran , Surah Rehman(78):           
  "Greatly Blessed is the name of your Lord, Majestic and Venerable."

           As you can see, it says  Blessed is the name of your Lord . The barakaat lies in the Name of Allah.Even Quran starts with "Bismillah..."..."in the name of Allah...". It could also have been "with Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful" but it starts with "in the Name of Allah..." This signifies the barakaat that are in Allah's Name. It is one of the best zikr (Dhikr) one can possibly do.
  So it is important that before you do any work, any task be it at work , be it cooking, be it reading a book make sure you start it with the name of Allah!

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed

Love of and for Allah SWT

What is Love?
Love is the attraction that 2 human beings feel for each other. In Arabic, love is called "Muhabbat". Muhabbat comes from "habba" that means "seed". This is because muhabbat is like a seed that is planted in the heart of a human being,if they nurture the actions that lead to that love then that seed sprouts into a plant that eventually dominates the human being and that is actually the power of Muhabbat. 
Imam Ghazali (RA) wrote that Muhabbat is the natural inclination of a human being to that which gives them true joy and happiness in their heart, and Muhabbat means that a lover's thoughts, desires and wishes become same as the thought, desires and wishes of their beloved. That is the trans-formative nature of muhabbat.

Allah's Love for Momineen
One of the Shakyhs of spirituality defined muhabbat as in which the lover views his own attributes as insignificant and the lover views everything that his beloved does with  tremendous importance. The shakyh then uses this definition to establish from Quran, that Allah swt is the Lover of the momineen and that Allah has love for the Momineen. so somebody asked him and he quoted from Quran..
Allah swt says in Quran (4:77 part)
"Say: the enjoyment of this world is little.."
This ayat comes in line with fact that lover considers what he gives to his beloved as very small and insignificant. Allah swt has made Dunya subject to human beings. Allah swt has made human beings master of this world in terms of wordly life whereas what momin gives to Allah swt is his worship, his remebrance and his Dhikr.
Allas swt says in Quarn(33:35 part)
"for men and women who engage much in praise.." 
so that for that small amount of Ibadaat, the momin does, Allah swt calls it "Kaseer"(abundunt). but for that massive entire dunya Allah swt has given to humanity, He calls it Qaleel (little).
So the shakyh said that this is a proof that Allah swt has love for believers

Love for Allah
Allah swt says in the Quran(3:31)
"say, if you love Allah, follow me and He will love you..."
this ayat means that if one has to love Allah, one must have love for Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) as well.
Junaid Baghdadi (RA) said that Muhabbat means that characteristics of the beloved are transferred into the lover. So if someone has love for Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) then he must have the following of Sunnah. Junaid Baghdadi (RA) also said that when beloved's characteristics are transferred to lover then they become indistinguishable. An example can be found in history books is when non-Muslim deputation used to came to Madinah they would find everyone as same. they could not differentiate who is prophet Muhammad(pbuh). that was the level of love, the sahabah had for Allah swt and his messenger
Allama shibli (RA) on another definition of love says that a lover loves everthing that his beloved loves and the lover would dislike everything that his beloved dislikes. The sahabah did not like anything which Prophet(pbuh) did not like, not only in shariah terms but also in personal terms. It meant shabah loved whatever Prophet(pbuh) liked. That is what Muhabbat means

.Today we donot feel the love for Allah and his Prophet(pbuh) because our own hearts are filled with love of this dunya and how can a heart filled with love of dunya, have love of Allah swt.  Shakyh Zulfiqar Ahmed says that just like a room is dark or lit at a time, similarly the heart can either have love of Allah swt or the love of the world. So as to have love for Allah swt, we must strive and struggle to remember Allah swt abundantly and try to follow the Sunnah of Prophet(pbuh) so that we may become the Zakeereen, Allah swt talks about in Quran.
Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad talk

Repenters:Beloved of Allah swt (Part 1)

Allah swt says in Quran(2:222 part)
"Allah loves the sinning believers who make Taubah..."

The above Ayat of Quran says it all. Allah has love for those who turn back to him. For part 1, I will explain Taubah(forgiveness) and in part 2, I will present examples from history of how believers attained taubah and how Allah swt responded to them.

I will start with a short story. there were 2 young men who were having a heated debate on about whom Allah loves more? A person who never did any sins through out his entire life or a person who did sins but he repented afterwards. An old man was walking pass by. they called him and asked for his opinion regarding their argument. The old man replied that he is not a scholar but owing to his experience, he will give his opinion. He then replied "I am a weaver and I weave large tapestries across the loom. and what I do is whenever I am weaving this huge tapestry and a yarn that snaps or breaks, I tie that yarn back together but I keep a special watch on that typical yarn that had snapped and i had tied it back. I believe that same is the case with Allah swt that He keeps a special Merciful gaze on that person who had sinned but had turned back to Allah swt"

SubhanAllah, That much love Allah has for those who repent. Taubah is the easiest thing to do.Its not a condition for taubah that you will remain firm on that taubah, taubah has only one condition that there's an Intention in your heart that you will never turn back to that sin. yes, only the intention should be there.
But since human being is weak so  in order from going back, one should make dua(prayer)  to Allah , that "Oh Allah, please accept my Intention for taubah and if you accept it, then You are the only One who can make me sin free"

If closely analysed, Its more like wanting Allah swt. When you start wanting Allah swt, Allah swt will start wanting you  and when Allah swt starts wanting you, He will Himself take you out from sins and bring you into a life of His Obedience. Allah is Ar-Rehman, Al-Ghaffar, Al-Mannan, Ar-Rahim. Just have a desire in your heart that you want to turn to Allah swt with repentance, love and  obedience. That's what Allah swt wants from you. He gave you desire and He should want that you desire Him. So leave all sins whether open or hidden and always asks for forgiveness from Allah swt.
Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk

Friday 24 May 2013

Welcome :)

Come, come whoever you are,
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving,
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times.
Come, yet again, come, come.