Sunday 26 May 2013

Knowing Arabs (Part 1)

This post is inspired by the book The Arabs: A short history written by Philip K. Hitti.

Islam is a religion that is practiced all around the world, but it was Arabia where this religion was introduced and it was the Arabs who were initially involved in the spread of Islam. To understand and study Islam, knowing Arabs is crucial. The story of Arabs is of great significance since at the core of it  is the story of third and one of the great monotheistic religions, that is Islam.

The success of Arabs was so great in the Middle ages that no people in the early middle ages participated and contributed to human progress and development in the middle ages as much as the Arabs did. Arabs scholars were so educated that they were studying Aristotle when Charlemagne and his lords were reportedly learning to write just their names. Moreover, scientists in Cordova, under the privilege of their seventeen great libraries , with one library including alone 400, 000 volumes, Arabs enjoying luxurious baths at a time when washing the body was considered dangerous custom at the University of Oxford.

The Arabic language today is the medium of expression for around 100 million people. Not only that, for many centuries it was the language of culture, learning and progressive thought throughout the civilized world. Not only that, in the ninth century to all the way up to the twelfth century, more medical, historical, religious, philosophical, astronomical and geographical works were produced in Arabic language and through the medium of Arabic than any other language.

Lastly, the Arabian Moslems, as a result of their widespread conquests, became through the Aramaeans heirs of early Semites.  They also inherited elements of the South Arabian culture. Through out the centuries the Arabs have flourished so much that one tends to question as to what was it that they became so successful and the only reason is Islam, the religion that guides a man towards success, towards prosperity and the desire to move forward in life for the way of Islam.
By: Ramsha Amir.

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