Sunday 26 May 2013

Repenters:Beloved of Allah swt (Part 1)

Allah swt says in Quran(2:222 part)
"Allah loves the sinning believers who make Taubah..."

The above Ayat of Quran says it all. Allah has love for those who turn back to him. For part 1, I will explain Taubah(forgiveness) and in part 2, I will present examples from history of how believers attained taubah and how Allah swt responded to them.

I will start with a short story. there were 2 young men who were having a heated debate on about whom Allah loves more? A person who never did any sins through out his entire life or a person who did sins but he repented afterwards. An old man was walking pass by. they called him and asked for his opinion regarding their argument. The old man replied that he is not a scholar but owing to his experience, he will give his opinion. He then replied "I am a weaver and I weave large tapestries across the loom. and what I do is whenever I am weaving this huge tapestry and a yarn that snaps or breaks, I tie that yarn back together but I keep a special watch on that typical yarn that had snapped and i had tied it back. I believe that same is the case with Allah swt that He keeps a special Merciful gaze on that person who had sinned but had turned back to Allah swt"

SubhanAllah, That much love Allah has for those who repent. Taubah is the easiest thing to do.Its not a condition for taubah that you will remain firm on that taubah, taubah has only one condition that there's an Intention in your heart that you will never turn back to that sin. yes, only the intention should be there.
But since human being is weak so  in order from going back, one should make dua(prayer)  to Allah , that "Oh Allah, please accept my Intention for taubah and if you accept it, then You are the only One who can make me sin free"

If closely analysed, Its more like wanting Allah swt. When you start wanting Allah swt, Allah swt will start wanting you  and when Allah swt starts wanting you, He will Himself take you out from sins and bring you into a life of His Obedience. Allah is Ar-Rehman, Al-Ghaffar, Al-Mannan, Ar-Rahim. Just have a desire in your heart that you want to turn to Allah swt with repentance, love and  obedience. That's what Allah swt wants from you. He gave you desire and He should want that you desire Him. So leave all sins whether open or hidden and always asks for forgiveness from Allah swt.
Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk

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