Friday 31 May 2013

Hazrat Nooh( AS) History

source: Book by hazrat shaykh zulfiqar Ahmad

Hazrat Nooh AS strived for 950 years to guide his people onto the right path,  but the people of Nooh remained adamant on their path of ruin and vice, and ill mannerism and wretchedness. It is therefore that Almighty Allah said:
" Undoubtedly they were a blind race"

Once after getting disheartened due to the obstinacy and displeasure of his people, Hazrat Nooh prayed:

"Oh Almighty Allah, do not keep any house of the infidels safe on the Earth"
Almighty Allah accepted the prayer of HIS dear Prophet sws, and sent a revelation to Him, " Prepare a boat as soon as storm will come. You and your family will be saved while the name and the signs of the infidels will be obliterated".
Hazrat Nooh AS constructed a boat and asked the righteous to climb on the board. One of his sons was unfaithful and refused to come on board. Hazrat Nooh AS repeatedly tried to make him understand the reality, but he was adamant and ultimately drowned in the storm. Hazrat Nooh AS was overpowered by parental love and he prayed:
" O my cherisher, my son is from my family. Undoubtely, YOUR promise is real, and You are the supreme judge"
Each word of his prayer is a testimony of great respect and regard for Almighty Allah. Notice that Hazrat Nooh AS did not say;
" Oh Allah , my son was drowned, thus YOUR promise is not fulfilled"

However, Almighty Allah said at that moment,
" O Nooh! He is not from amongst your family, his deeds were undignified. Do not talk to ME about the one whose nature you do not know. I advise you not to be amongst the ignorant"

Hazrat Nooh AS trembled with fear on this caution from Almighty Allah, and said,
" Oh Almighty Allah , I seek your protection from questioning an issue, the reality of which I do not know. If YOU do not forgive me, and do not have mercy on me, I will be amongst the loosers"

Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani RA while explaining this verse, writes:
" Hazrat Nooh AS trembled and seeked forgiveness"
He AS didn't say that in future He AS will not do so again, because in saying so an element of contention is evident. A human being has neither ability nor power to accomplish anything by himself.  Thus man should always seek protection of Almighty Allah  from going astray again , and should maintain firm resolve in his heart of not repeating the mistake again.

The word of repentance of Hazrat Adam and hazrat Younus which are given in the Holy Quran also reflect similar respect and regard for Almighty Allah.
by : Ramsha Amir

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