Tuesday 28 May 2013

Reliance on Allah swt

Allah says in Quran(3:159)
"...For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)"
and at another place in Quran(39:38)
"...Say: Sufficient is Allah for me: upon Him (alone) rely the (wise) reliers"
 yet at another(14:12)
"...For those who put their trust should put their trust in Allah"

Tawaqal means to have deep reliance and faith on Allah swt, to leave all his affairs on Him because it is the part of our Imaan that Allah swt is "Al-Mutawaqil" and that Allah swt is the Only Being on whom one can rely on and He is sufficient for us.
In Quran when we read (1:5)
"..It is You we ask for help"
We are actually admitting our faith, our tawaqal on Allah swt and we are actually admitting our helplessness without Him. It also means we do not turn to any other means like black magic, Jinns and spirits but turn to Allah because He alone has the ultimate power to change things. Imam Behqi writes that Tawaqal is one of the characteristics of Imaan and Momineen who believe in Allah swt must also have Tawaqal on Allah swt.
There is a hadith that 70,000* Muslims will go to Jannah without any Hisaab(trial). Scholars have indicated that these 70,000 people will be those who only rely on Allah swt.

Further, Imam Behqi makes it clear that reliance on Allah means to handle all your affairs to him after taking into account the causalities, that is after making use of complete resources. There's a misconception that tawaqal means to do nothing and leave everything to Allah swt. That is not the right way. The right way is when you have done your best and you say that, that's the maximum I can do and the rest will be done by Allah swt. That is when you have firm belief in Allah's Powers. Do your best and utilize the maximum of resources, then ask from Allah "O Allah, I have done what I could do, the rest is in Your reach but not mine"

So having Tawaqal is the part of Imaan and we should have trust in Allah that He can save us from evil and bring us the good that we want. May Allah swt make us the people of Tawaqal(Ameen).

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk
*by 70,000, some scholars say it means a large number.

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