Sunday 26 May 2013

Knowing Arabs (Part 2)

The Bedouins.
When knowing Arabs, it is important to first get to know the so called original Arabs that are the Bedouin. The common misconception about the Bedouin is that they are the gypsy roaming just for the sake of roaming without any purpose in life. Instead the gypsy represents the best adaption to human life of the desert conditions. One sees grass growing the Bedouins will go after it seeking the pasture. One considers nomadism as something which is practiced by uncivilized, but wait, nomadism is as much a scientific mode of living in the Nufud as industrialism is in Detroit or Manchester. Nomadism is in fact a reasonable adjustment to an unfriendly environment.

Since the rise of Islam, the pilgrimage has formed the principal link between Arabia and the outer world. In the Fertile crescent, empires have come and gone, but in the barren wastes the Bedouin has remained forever.

The clan organization is the basis of Bedouin society. Every tent represents a family, members of one encampment constitutes a clan. A number of kindred clans grouped together make a tribe. All the members of the same clan consider each others as of one blood, submit to the authority of but one chief.

The phenomenal and almost un paralled efflorescence of the early Islam was due in no small measure to the latent powers of the Bedouins, who, in the words of the Caliph Umar( RA) " furnished Islam with its raw materials".
By : Ramsha Amir
Source: The Arabs : A short story.

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