Friday 31 May 2013

Mercy of Allah swt

Allah swt says in the Quran(7:156)
"and My Mercy embraces all things."
at another place(39:53)
"..Truly, He is Forgiving, Most Merciful"

Mercy of Allah swt has been bestowed on us in the form of His love, Forgiveness and better Hereafter for us. He is Al-Raheem(Merciful). Prophet(pbuh) said
"Allah has divided Mercy in 100 parts; and He retained with Him 99 parts and sent down to earth 1 part..."
{Reported by Abu Hurairah: Bukhari and Muslim}
SubhanAllah, we are amazed of how they are some very kind people who flourish on earth but that is through that 1 part Allah swt has sent down to earth. Imagine how Merciful our Rabb would be who has 99 such parts.

His mercy has so vastness that can be judged from the following Hadith.
Prophet(pbuh) said
"Whoever testifies that there is no true god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Allah swt saves him from Hell fire"
This means only believing in Oneness of Allah can be a way of escaping hell fire. What we have to do is simply admit to our Creator and out of his vast majority, He will save us from Hell fire if He wills.

Further, Allah assures us that doing sins is in human nature and He will forgive us out of His mercy if asked for forgiveness. Prophet(pbuh) said
"Were you not to commit sins, Allah would create people who would commit sins and ask for forgiveness and He would forgive them."
Allah loves when a slave commits and then rushes to Him, in order to ask for forgiveness as pointed out by above hadith.

Allah swt has set many easy ways of finding His Mercy for the human beings. In Salat, Dhikr(Remembrance), asking for Forgiveness, dua(prayer), Admitting to His Oneness and Praising Him, one is sure to feel the sweetness of His Mercy.
Prophet(pbuh) said
"Allah is pleased with His slave who eats a meal and praises Him for it; and takes a drink and praises Him for it"

SubhanAllah such easy ways to please our Lord, our Rabb. His pleasure is a way of attaining His Mercy.
But little do we understand. Our sole purpose of life should be to seek Allah's Mercy and for that we have to get connected with Allah swt and His good people. May Allah swt shower his Mercy upon us(Ameen).

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Hadith taken from Riyad us Saliheen

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