Monday 27 May 2013

Repenters: Beloved of Allah swt (part 2)

Repenters: Beloved of Allah swt (part 2)

In this part of article. I will explain an example of how Allah swt forgave his servant out of his vast Mercy.

The story comes from the time of Taby'een (students of sahabah). Hasan Al-Basri(R.A)was one of the religious Taby'een at that time from whom even the sahabah of Basra would learn Deen. In daytime he used to teach Dars-e-Quran and Hadith and at night he used to conduct Majlis. Majlis is a gathering where there is remembrance of Allah swt, teachings of Allah swt and dua to Allah swt. Both the men and women of Basra were his students.

In his students there was also pious woman who was sincere lover of Allah swt. She had a son, a young man and that young man was a big sinner. He used to commit all type of sins, literally any sin. He could not control his nafs(own desires). Her mother was very worried about him. what she would do is that she used to take him to majlises and gatherings of Hasan Al Basri(R.A). Her son would sit there, listen to Hasan Al-Basri(R.A) but when he would leave, he would still go back in those sins. His mother would request Hasan AL-Basri to talk to his son, give him advise and company (suhbaat). so sometimes Hasan Al-Basri would talk to him yet the young man would always turn back to sins.

Then what happened is that the young man fell sick in his early twenties. He got some disease that was so painful and that made him bedridden. It occurred to him that this is Allah swt punishment to him. He suddenly remembered how he had the chance to live with pious people, learn about the deen and Quran yet now everything seemed to be lost.As he could feel his death approaching him, he thought of asking Taubah from  Allah swt. But he did not know whether Allah swt will forgive him or not on his death bed. He talked to his mother about this. His mother told him not to worry as she will fetch Hasan Al-Basri for him who will explain to him how he should do taubah.

So when his mother came to Hasan Al-Basri to tell him that her son wants to do taubah, Hasan Al-Basri replied in negative. He said that he cannot help her son and excused himself. so when the mother came back, his son could see from her face that Hasan Al-Basri is not coming. He said to his mother "Oh my mother,I have angered Allah so much that now his pious people dont want to meet me. I want to request you that when I die, get a horse, tie a rope around my neck, have my dead body dragged around the city of Basra and have somebody walk along the horse who should announce "Look how sinful people die" " After saying this, he died.

Now the mother was standing there crying and thinking what to do. In the mean time there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and Hasan Al-Basri was standing there worried. He asked "O woman, where is your son?". She replied that he just died a few moments before. Hasan Al-Basri then replied "O woman after you had left, I took a nap and in my sleep, a voice told me "Hasan, you call yourself a friend of Mine?, If you want to save our relationship then go give bath(ghusal) to My Friend and read his namaz-e-janaza as well."" AllahuAkbar. Then Hasan Al-Basri himself read his namaz-e-janaza and lowered him into his grave.

SubhanAllah!!! The great of scholar of his time, Hasan Al-Basri, offered the namaz-e-janza of that young man. why, because in his heart, that young man had made an Intention of Taubah. Allah intensely loves those who make taubah. So what are we waiting for? we have already done enough sins. 20, 25 years of life, its just too much, till when we will continue this sinful life? Lets just ask for Forgiveness from Allah swt. May Allah swt accept our taubah and grant us a life of His Obedience.(Ameen)

Posted by Jahanzaib Jamshed
Taken from Shakyh Kamaluddin Ahmad's talk

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