Thursday 12 September 2013

19 Miscellaneous etiquettes.

  1.  Don't walk stiffly and boastfully.
  2. Men should not walk between two women ( Abu Daud).
  3. Angels don't enter the house where there is a dog or pictures( of living) . ( Bukhari).
  4. When you knock someone's door and the inmates ask that , who is it? , don't say its me , instead tell your name. ( Bukhari).
  5. Do not listen to others conversation secretly. ( Bukhari).
  6. When you write a letter to someone, write your name in the beginning. ( Bukhari).
  7. When you go to someone's house, seek permission before entering.( Bukhari).
  8. If permission is not granted even when seeked thrice, just return. ( Bukhari).
  9. While seeking permission, instead of standing in front of the door, stand on one side of it. ( Abu Daud).
  10. Even if you are visiting your mother, seek permission before visit. ( Malik).
  11. Don't take away anything belonging to someone else, jokingly. ( Tirmizi).
  12. Don't give a bare sword in another person's hand. ( Tirmizi). This is true for knife as well. If there is no need to do so, hold the cutting edge in your hand and give the handle of it to the other person.
  13. Don't term time bad, as alteration of time is in the hand of almighty Allah.( Muslim).
  14. Don't term the air bad. ( Tirmizi).
  15. Don't term sickness bad as well ( Muslim).
  16. When night set in, recite Bismillah and close the door, because shaitan doesn't open closed doors. Then recite Bis Millah and tie the mouths of water bags of leather with a thong and cover the utensils.
  17. At night when the movement ceases in the streets, refrain from going out. ( Sharah al Sunnah).
  18. To stretch limbs and yawn infront of others is against the principle of civility.
  19. If one feels the pressure of gases in his stomach, he should go to the toilet or a secluded place and then release it.
Source: Hazrat shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed
Posted by : Ramsha Amir

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