Wednesday 11 September 2013

Lessons from History ( The example of Hazrat Younis AS) :

When Hazrat Younis As was put under test and trial by Almighty Allah, and was swallowed by and trapped in the stomach of a fish,he exclaimed to Almighty Allah with immense patience and gratefulness in these words:

“ Oh Almighty Allah, there is no God but You. You are flawless. Undoubtedly, I am the wrongdoer” ( Al Anbiya, verse 87)

The verses of the Holy Quran are testimony to the fact that if Hazrat Younis AS had not prayed before Almighty Allah with such respect and regard, he would have stayed trapped in the stomach of the fish till the Day of Qiyamah. Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran :
“ Had he not described the purity of Almighty Allah, he would have stayed in the stomach of the fish till the day of Qiyamah”

From above we can also conclude that whatever exclamation will be made before Almighty Allah with extreme respect and regard, it will be duly granted. Even today most Ahle Allah ( People of Allah) advise those in distress to achieve relief from distress from the above verse as it is a sovereign remedy.
Posted by: Ramsha Amir

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