Thursday 12 September 2013

The etiquette of hospitality.

Taken from Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed's book “ Be Courteous Be Blessed”. His books and lectures are available on

“ One who is invited and does not accept the invitation, he is disobedient to Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet ( PBUH).”

  1. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said “ The one who believes in Almighty Allah and the Day of Qiyamah should honour the guest”.
  2. Food should be prepared quickly in honour of the guest. It has been said about Hazrat Ibrahim AS:
    “ Didn't delay and brought cooked food hurriedly”
    Thus by quickly serving a guest with food, one imitates the behaviour of Hazrat Ibrahim AS sumptuous meals should be arranged for a guest for one day and one night and guest ship is for three days and thereafter it will be alms. ( Bukhari).
  3. A host should himself place food infront of the guest and should himself look after him. It was the routine of Mashaikh, that whenever a person having some sort of attachment with Allah, came to them as a guest, they would consider it an honour to carry food for him on their heads.
  4. While eating along with the guest, a host should have the intention, I respect and honour my brothers, I wish to attain the blessings of union. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said “ There is benediction in union”. When the brothers come to meet, it is not appropriate for the host to avoid them and get busy in voluntary prayers. Similarly, when the brothers keep food in front of him, it is not appropriate for him to avoid eating with them, due to voluntary fasting. The Holy Prophet ( PBUH) stated “ Man due to excellence of his behaviour attains the status similar to that of a fasting person and that of an accomplished worshipper”.
  5. A guest should be served fruits first, and then a meal. A Quranic verse lays down this priority:“ And fruit which ever they select and meats of the birds they desire”
  6. There is no extravagance in the meals for the guests. Hazrat Ibrahim AS invited Hazrat Suffian Suree AS and his family members and placed food before them in a large quantity. They said , “ O Abu Ishaq! Are you not fearful? Is there not extravagance in so much?” He replied, “ There is no extravagance in the meals for the guests”.
  7. The host while inviting someone should have following seven intentions in his mind:
    - The intentions to obey Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet ( PBUH).
    - The intention to establish the Sunnah.
    - The intention to honour the guests.
    - The intention to make the momin brother happy.
    - The intention to remove worries and anguish from the heart of the brother guests.
    - The intention to meet brother guests.
    - The intention of attaining the consent and pleasure of Almighty Allah.
  8. The guests should not accept the invitation of the following five categories of person:
    - An innovator in religion.
    - Tyrants and their helpers.
    - One who takes interest on his money.
    - A transgressor who involved himself in the sins openly.
    - One whose possessions are largely obtained through illegal and corrupt practices.

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