Wednesday 11 September 2013

Early Women of Islam -Sahabiyaat

Although we all have heard how early companions of Prophet(pbuh) (sahabah) strived for the spread of Islam, we must not forget the role played by the early women(sahabiyaat) . They stood side by side with their husbands, fathers and sons, facing the persecution of non-believers and playing their role to help establish Islam in Arabia. I will write about some of them and about their loyalty, service, love and forbearance for Islam. We mostly know about Hazrat Khadija(R.A) and hazrat Ayesha(R.A) so I will not be writing about them.
Summayah umm-e-Ammar(R.A)
She was the mother of Ammar(R.A) and one of the early converts to Islam. She faced all kind of persecution from Quraish at that time yet her love for Islam did not change.  She was stoned, made to stand in burning sand and sun heat for hours yet she did not give up Islam. Prophet(pbuh) promised her Allah’s Pleasure and Jannah whenever he would see her in pain. She was martyred by Abu Jahl and she is the first woman martyr of Islam.
Although the sahabah were very fond of Jihad, the sahabiyaat were also very eager to die for Islam. During the battle of Khyber, umm-e-Ziyad with 6 other sahabiyaat  travelled with the Muslim Army. When prophet(pbuh) came to know about this, he summoned all the women and asked them that who had given them permission to fight?. Umm-e-Ziyad replied “ oh prophet(pbuh), we know how to weave wool and that may be required in Jihad, we have the medicines we will help the wounded, we have water we will quench the thirst of soldiers and if nothing then we will just hand over the arrows to the men”. Prophet(pbuh) allowed them to stay. SubhanAllah that was the spirit of Sahabiyaat for Jihad.
She was the mother of Hazrat Anas(R.A) and Abdullah bin Abi Talha(R.A). She participated in the battle of Uhud and  in the Battle of Hunain with the Muslims.  She fought in the battle of hunain while she was pregnant (Abdullah bin Abi Talha was in her womb). She used to keep a small knife with her during the battles. Prophet(pbuh) asked her the reason for it. She replied that if any non-believer tries to harm her, she will stab it into his stomach. Apart from that she would run in the battlefield with pots of water to quench the thirst of soldiers.
She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan and one of the wives of Prophet(pbuh). During the time of Hudaibiyah, Abu sufyan came to madinah to meet prophet(pbuh). He went to meet his daughter as well. As he was about to sit on her bed, she suddenly overthrew the bed that prevented Abu sufyan from sitting on the bed. Abu sufyan asked her the reason and she replied, “that was the bed of Messenger of Allah (pbuh) who is pure, how can I let an impure Polytheist sit on that bed?” SubhanAllah, that was her love for Prophet(pbuh) and Allah, such that she did not allow her father to sit on the same bed as of prophet(pbuh).
Asma bint Yazeed (R.A)
She was an Ansari woman. Once she asked Prophet(pbuh) “oh prophet(pbuh), you have been made the prophet of both men and women that’s why we women accepted Islam. But why are the things of more good and reward for men like they can go fo Jihad, go  for Jumma, pray namaz in masjid in congregation while we women stay at home, look after their children, satisfy their desires and take care of their property?”
Prophet(pbuh) was so happy with her question that he asked his sahabah whether they have heard a better question regarding Deen  somewhere else? Then he replied to her that treat your husband kindly and search his pleasure for that has the same good and reward as (the things listed above) for women.
MashAllah, that was the amount of concern,the women at that time had for their religion and Tazkiyah.
She was the wife of Ikramah bin Abu Jahl and she accepted Islam at the time of conquest of Makkah. During the khilafah of Abu Bakr, she participated in battle against the Romans with her husband. When her husband was martyered in the battle, Khalid bin Saeed(R.A)agreed to marry her. The next day her newlywed husband was also martyred by the romans. She then fought against the romans and single handedly killed 7 roman men. That was such forbearance of Muslim women she endured the death of her husbands as well as fought against the enemy.

Jahanzaib Jamshed

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