Wednesday 11 September 2013

Dressings of the Prophet (pbuh)

Umm-e-Salamah(R.A) reported: “Out of all garments, Messenger of Allah (pbuh) liked Qamees the best”
[Abu Dawud]
Asma bint Yazid (R.A) reported: “ The Qamees sleeves of Prophet (pbuh) reached to his wrists.”
[Abu Dawud]
Bara (R.A) reported: “Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was of medium stature. I saw him wearing a red mantle. I have never seen anything more graceful than that.”
Ibn Abbas (R.A) reported: I heard Messenger of Allah saying, “Put on white clothes because they are the best; and use them for shrouding your dead”
[Abu Dawud]
Abu Rimthah Rifa’ah At-Taimi (R.A) reported: “ I saw Messenger of Allah wearing two green garments”
[Abu Dawud]
Abu Juhaifah Wahb bin Abdullah (R.A) reported: “I saw Prophet (pbuh) by Al-Abtah valley in Makkah in a red tent made from tanned skin. Bilal (R.A) brought him ablution water. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came out wearing a red mantle; and I can still remember looking at whiteness of his shanks…”
Jabir (R.A) reported, “Messenger of Allah (pbuh) entered Makkah on the day of its conquest and he was wearing a black turban”
Aisha (R.A) reported: “ One morning Messenger of Allah (pbuh) went out wearing a black blanket made of camel’s or sheep’s black hair with pattern’s of camels’ bags upon it”
Al-Mughirah bin Shu’bah (R.A) reported: I was with Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in a journey one night and he asked me, “Do you have any water with you?” I said “yes”. So he dismounted from his mounting camel and walked away (to answer the call of nature) until he disappeared in the darkness. When he returned, I poured out some water from vessel and he washed his face. He was wearing a long woolen cloak and could not take out his forearms from his sleeves, so he brought them out below the cloak and washed them and then passed  his wet hands over his head. I stretched out my hand to take off his Khuff (leather socks) but he said, “Leave them, I put them on after perfoming Wudu” and he passed his wet hands over them.
By Jahanzaib Jamshed

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