Thursday 12 September 2013

Lessons from History -From the example of Hazrat Ayub (AS)

In the beginning Almighty Allah had blessed Hazrat Ayub with great prosperity. He AS was bestowed with plenty of wealth , which included three thousand camels., three thousand horses, one thousand goats, five hundred servants,  and very large fruit garden by the grace of Allah swt.

In addition He AS was blessed with righteous and dutiful children and a beautiful  and caring wife. However, due to the will of Almighty Allah Hazrat Ayub was put under the trial and soon all his gardens driedup, the animals died, the children died in an accident , and He Himself fell sick , initially boils appeared on His body which later turned into wounds.

However, even in this miserable state Hazrat Ayub persisted as a specimen of patience and gratefulness. On one occasion He prayed in these words:
“ Oh Almighty Allah, Iam in distress and You are exteremly merciful”

There is a strange style of submission and supplication in this prayer. Had He used the words:

“Oh Almighty Allah, grant me recovery and well being”

Even these were alright, but the adoration and reverence for Almighty Allah demanded respect and reverence for Almighty Allah demanded respect and regard. Thus, Hazrat Ayub AS offered such a beautiful combination of patience and respect that Almighty Allah said:

“ We found him patient. He was an admirable person. He had submitted himself to ME”

Almighty Allah used three words that is patience, thankful person and inclined towards almighty Allah to admire Hazrat Ayub AS. Until the day of Qiyamah, every believer, by reading the words given above while reciting the Holy Quran, will remember the blessings bestowed by Almighty Allah for respect and courtesy shown to Him.

By : Ramsha Amir.

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