Wednesday 11 September 2013

Excellence of Greeting


Allah swt says in the Quran (4:86)
“And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet [in return] with one better than it or [at least] return it [in a like manner]. Indeed, Allah is ever, over all things, an Accountant”
Greeting, although a minor act and some of may not even consider it worthwhile, has been made an important injunction in Islam. Its Importance can be realized from the fact that the Lord of the lords, Allah swt himself has ordered the momineen to promote greetings. Greeting others is considered a meritorious act in Islam.
A man asked Prophet (pbuh), “Which act in Islam is best?” the Prophet (pbuh) replied, “To give food and greet everyone whether you know him or not”.
So basically greeting everyone is considered a best action in Islam because it spreads mutual love among the people and removes ill from their hearts. Al’Bara bin Azib (R.A) reported: The Messenger of Allah commanded us to do seven things. And to promote greetings of “Assalam u Alakum (may you be safe from evil)”was one of them.
This does not end here. Greeting has been made an act of that can lead to Paradise!!! Unbelievable, yes? But it’s true.
Prophet (pbuh) said , “By Him in Whose Hands is my life! You will not enter Jannah until you believe and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I inform you which, if you do, you will love one another? Promote greetings among yourselves”
So greetings have been made indirectly acts of leading to Jannah.
Etiquettes of Greeting
To add to the etiquettes of greeting, Prophet (pbuh) said
“The person nearest to Allah is one who is first to offer greeting.”
[Abu Dawud]
Be the first to greet is actually a step taken towards a greater good that signifies a person’s nearness to Allah swt.
Prophet (pbuh) also said, “A rider should greet a pedestrian, a pedestrian should greet one who is sitting and a small group should greet a large group (of people)”
To further add to the etiquettes of greeting, the Prophet(pbuh) said to Anas bin Malik, “Dear son when you enter your house, say As-Salam-u-Alaikum to your family, for it will be a blessing both to you and your family”
Asma bint Yazid (R.A) reported: “The Prophet (pbuh) passed by us when we were with a party of women,a nd he greeted us.”
[Abu Dawud]
Prophet (pbuh) said, “two Muslims will not meet and shake hands without having their sins forgiven (by Allah) before they depart”
[Abu Dawud]
Regarding greeting the non-Muslims, the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Do not greet the Jews and Christians before they greet you…”
By Jahanzaib Jamshed

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