Thursday 12 September 2013

Etiquette 3 for a teacher in ISLAM( A teacher should practice his knowledge as well)

The Holy Prophet sws said :
Oh Almighty Allah! I seek your protection from such knowledge which is not profitable"
It is mentioned in another hadith :
On the day of Qiyamah, the worst person by virtue of status will be the Aalim whose knowledge is non profitable"
It is mentioned in another Hadith :
"The worst among people are evil Ulema and the best people are the righteous Ulema"
Hazrat Abu Darda RA states :
I am trembling with fear, that on the of Qiyamah when I will be presented for accountability and will be asked - " You attained knowledge but how did you use it ?" On another occasion he said " There is one death for the one who doesnt know, and seven deaths for the one who knows but doesnt act accordingly".
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood RA stated:
" Everyone can tell tales, but only that person carries worth whose deeds are in line with what he professes".
Hazrat Ali RA stated:
" Oh people of learning ! practice your knowledge. Soon such people will be born , who will possess knowledge but will not be able to digest it. Their external will be different from their internal self. They will organize large gatherings for mutual boasting and discussions. They will get annoyed with people merely for the reason that they left their gatherings to listen to someone else. Deeds of such people will never reach Allah Almighty".
Hazrat Hassan Basree RA states :
Evaluate people by their deeds not by their words".
Some one ask from Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Audham RA :
" What is the reason that our prayers are not granted? He replies:
  • You recognize God, But dont fulfil HIS rights.
  • You study Holy Quran but dont practice it.
  • You profess love for the Holy Prophet sws but dont follow Sunnah.
  • You curse Satan, but follow his instructions as well.
  • You close eyes from your own faults and open them for others faults.
May Allah guide us to the right path.
Taken from: Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed Book
Posted by : Ramsha Amir.

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