Thursday 12 September 2013

Lessons from History - Example from the life of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)

We should really remember, that history is not there to just inform us, it is there to correct us, we Muslims really need to learn and follow from our Islamic history, if we follow it surely we will lead a righteous life or near to righteous life.

When Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) cautioned the idol worshipping people, about the unity of Almighty Allah SWT , He introduced Almighty Allah to His people in these words :
“ The rabb ( Lord) who created me- He is the one who guides me. He provides me for eating and drinking , and when I get sick He cures me”

All praise be to Allah! Notice the extreme courtesy in the words above, that is Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) has attributed all qualities like to create, to guides, to provide, and to cure to Almighty Allah. But ascribes to get sick to Himself (AS). Although sickness also comes from Almighty Allah, but since apparently sickness is considered a fault, thus to attribute it towards Allah was contrary to the principle of courtesy and respectfulness.

Hazrat Ibrahim   (AS), therefore did not say “ ONE who bestows sickness on me cures me” but said
“ When I get sick He cures” Undoubtedly, this is the supreme example of respect and reverence for Almighty Allah.

We submit so much at our workplace etc. We should submit to Allah only respect HIM, and respect only come when we become obedient towards Allah.
Ramsha Amir.

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