Saturday 21 September 2013

Imam Ghazali

When we talk about islamic scholars, Imam Ghazali is one of them that comes in our mind. Depiste that when we ask the same question amongst the youth very few people would even know him despite his enormous contribution to islam. Imam Ghazali was born in 450 AH in the village of Taberan in Persia and his name is Abu Hamid Muhammad. His tittle is Hujjatul Islam or proof of Islam and his dynastic title is Ghazzali. Ghazzal is said to be the name of a village in the district of Taus in the province of Khorasan in Persia. According to Maulana Shibli Nomani, his ancestors had the businss of weaving ( Ghazzal) and therefore he retained his family title Ghazzali ( weaver). The books of Imam Ghazzali was so much accepted and honoured in Europe that they preserved them in many libraries. But they did not receive so much attention in Muslim countries. Some Muslims learned men even did not open their eyes to see them , but rather prohibited the people to read them. For this reason his books are rarely found in the libraries of Muslim countries. This website will be posting most of the articles from the book of Imam Ghazali " IHYA ULUM ID DIN". By : Ramsha Amir.

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