Wednesday 11 September 2013

Keep getting back up- A sinner's Guide

In a hadith it is mentioned “ the one who repents from a sin is like the one who has not sinned in the first place” [Ibn Maja , Tabarani]. In this day and age, it is easier to understand the concept. On the computer there is an erase [delete] button. If you make a file, modify it and then close it, later on if you then wish to remove it, just by pressing  the delete button,. It will be like it n ever existed in the first place.
Nowadays, cell phones [which are even in the hands of kids] on them is a delete button. If you wish to remove any message you received, all you need to do is to press the delete button and it will be like it never got it in the first place. There is no limit to how many times you can use the delete button, it is unlimited.
You may press it in the morning or the evening, however how much you want. Whenever you do so, it will delete the messages. Repentance is exactly the same. Allah knew how weak mankind will be, how Satan would deceive them and his own nafs would mislead him causing him to sin. So Allah showed everyone the delete key which is called “repentance”.
Whenever you commit the mistake just press the delete button and that sin will be forgiven. Hence if Allah does not get tired in forgiving us, then why should we get tired of asking forgiveness from Him. Satan has a trick, he puts the thought in a person’s mind: ‘ look you can’t leave the sin so whats the point of repentance?’  no,no,no…there is still a point, atleast the sin committed at that time is forgiven… so in reality file becomes clear. If you sin again then repent again. If you sin again, then repent again. Keep cleaning your file.
If a person sweats, his friend will advise him to take a shower. If he says “If I take a shower, I will get sweaty again, so what’s the point?   His friend will say, “foolish person, atleast have a shower now, If you sweat again, just have another shower”
This is the same reality of a sin; if a person commits a sin then he should immediately resort to repentance. If he sins again, he should repent again. If Satan doesn’t cease to mislead us why should we cease to repent to Allah?
The scholars have written a remarkable incident, “It will be the Day of Judgment; Allah will call a person forward and will command the angels to examine his book of deeds. Indeed Allah knows everything that’s in there but he will command the angels anyway. They will give their analysis
“O Allah he sinned then he repented, he sinned again then repented, he sinned again… his whole life passed in this routine”
Allah will say “this means my servant would come in the clutches of Satan and fall, but after falling he would not remain down yet he would get up saying, “I will be faithful to my Lord” Satan would trip him again, he would stand again. All of his life Satan tripped  him down but he repeatedly got up, this shows he wanted to obey me so I have forgiven all his sins…He didn’t accept defeat at the hands of Satan, isn’t it?”
Taken from a talk by Shakyh Zulfiqar Ahmad                                                                                              link
By Jahanzaib Jamshed

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