Wednesday 11 September 2013

Importance of Supplication - Dua

Allah swt says in the Quarn(2:186)
“And when my slaves ask you (O Muhammad (pbuh)) concerning Me, then
(answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge), I respond to the
invocations of the supplicant when he calls on me(without any intercessor)”
At another place (40:60)
“And your Rabb said, “Invoke Me [i.e. Believe in my Oneness and ask for anything
I will respond to your (invocation)””
Prayer is an expression of one’s humbleness and helplessness before Allah swt.
It is basically an act of worship as the person who supplicates, admits that Allah
has the Infinite Power and Will to solve his\her problems. This actually brings a
person closer to Allah swt and that’s why this act of worship is encouraged by
Allah swt.

The only conditions of Prayer are that the person must ask with complete
attention and surety from Allah swt. Allah swt says in the Quran (7:55)
“Invoke your Rabb with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors”
Islam tells us about the Attributes of Allah swt that are clear indications of His
Might and that actually encourage us to supplicate infront of Allah swt only.
In Quran(27:62)
“Is not He better (than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he
calls on Him and Who removes the evil?”
Prophet (pbuh) used to supplicate “O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our
hearts to your obedience”[Muslim]
At another Place “O Allah, Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me
against harm and provide me with sustenance and salvation” [Muslim]

SubhanAllah, the above dua depicts the many important Attributes of Allah swt.
Allah swt is the Most Merciful, Protector and Sustainer of the world.
To encourage the momineen to make dua, Allah swt has set specific times in
which if a Muslim supplicates then his supplication will be accepted.
Prophet(pbuh) was asked “at what time does the supplication find the greatest
response?” Prophet(pbuh) replied “A supplication made during the middle
of the last  part of the night and after the conclusion of the obligatory
prayers” [At-Trimdhi]

At another place prophet(pbuh) said " A slave become nearest to his Rabb when
he is in prostration. So increase supplications in prostration”
Other moments of acceptance of dua as stated by prophet(pbuh) “Whenever a
muslim supplicates for his brother in his absence; the angels say: “May the
same be for you too” [Muslim]
Plus a muslim should not be disappointed if his supplication is not being granted.
It may be some Allah’s wisdom behind It as human beings have a limited
thinking But Allah has infinite wisdom.
Prophet(pbuh) said “Whenever a muslim supplicates to Allah, He accepts his
supplication or averts any similar kind of trouble form him until he prays
for something sinful or something that may break the ties of kinship”.[Attrimdhi]
The above hadith simply states that dua is beneficial for us in any case either its
accepted or if not, then some other unseen trouble is removed.

A Muslim should never feel shy of praying to Allah. Infact, he should persistently
pray because there is no end to His treasures.
By: Jahanzaib Jamshed

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