Wednesday 11 September 2013

Having good company!

Suhbah( Sohbat), is a very important concept in our deen (religion) . Suhbah actually means companionship that is to keep companionship with someone. Best example of companionship is from sahbah which comes from the same root letters as Suhbah.

The ultimate thing that defines the SAHABAH was their company with Prophet Mohammed sws a central principle that defined Sahabah. Companionship of Prophet sws provided great benefit to them. If we take the companionship of those who are righteous then you will definetly inherit their characteristic. The same thing was with tabeen who saw sahabah in state of iman. Tabeen came after sahabah.

Who you keep as your company will define what you become. You can take an average person and you put them with greatest people and they will become greatest people. Everything is based on your companionship. So that is exactly the goal of each of us. Look for the people who are the most righteous in your community, hangout with those people and be friends with them. Some companions hold you back in deen and first is Television. Watching tv has an effect on us. Then what we listen to who we spend time with what we eat with all has an effect on us.

Look for people who follow the shariah, sunnah internal and external, people who come regularly to masjid, people who read Quran daily and eventually you will become like them.

Prophet sws was silent it was that sitting with him changed people lives because of Allah;s blessing. Simply finding people who are righteous and then spending time with them. Spending time in masjid, becaiuse you benefit with people whom Allah has given the taufeeq to enter the masjid no one can enter the masjid until Allah gives them the taufeeq to enter the masjid. Allah blessed you to come to masjid. People know the rewards of praying in masjid but still very few people pray all five time prayers in masjid. One salah in masjid is more valuable than anything as this is the model of Prophet sws. The goal of our is to establish sunnah and shariah through the company of righteous people. Keeping company was also the tradition of our past righteous people.

Deen is learned from person to person rather than just book, that is why Allah swt sent Quran and Prophet sws together. If we look at history then we get to know that not every Prophet had book, that means book alone can not do anything that is why Prophets were sent. What you can learn from people alone you can not learn from Book. To understand a book you need scholar or person who has done mastery in that field.

Posted by : Ramsha Amir.

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