Wednesday 11 September 2013


De javu is something that you must already have experienced, but you may be unfamiliar with the terminology. De ja vu is a french term which literally means "already seen". It refers to the feeling one has when they feel they have already witnessed or experienced something which has just occurred. Normally, when someone feels a sense of de ja vu, they feel as though they have felt it previously in a dream.  De javu shows that nothing in this Universe is static, and some say that we are "looping" hence reliving a time more than once. It is very important to understand as to how ISLAM explains this concept which is very practical. The concept of Dejavu is not directly mentioned in Quran and this article is based on research and findings. Our souls can indeed move between realms. They aren't limited to time or space, and can expand into other realms without leaving our bodies. Due to this quality, our souls can visit the realms of the past, future, material and spiritual realms. in our dreams, our souls visit the past and the future realms, and sometimes stay there for enough time to gather enough sentimental value so that when our present selves come into contact with that moment, we feel we have already been there...Because, in essence, our souls have already been there. I guess this also explains how in our dreams, we feel as though we have such a strong connection to a place we appear to have "made up", because in our dreams our souls are travelling from realm to realm, and probably have really visited such a place! The same goes for why sometimes we have a strong feeling of attachment towards  a person, who we have never met before, because our souls have already created an attachment to that somebody! SubhanAllah I think this makes so much sense!  what I've always felt, that some individuals feel so connected to you spiritually, despite only knowing them for an hour or so! Our souls have all previously been together at the time of Adam A.S., when er were all brought forward by Allah swt to testify to Him! "And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam's loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): "Am I not your Lord?" They said: "Yes! We testify," lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: "Verily, we have been unaware of this." Or lest you should say: "It was only our fathers aforetime who took others as partners in worship along with Allah, and we were (merely their) descendants after them; will you then destroy us because of the deeds of men who practiced Al-Batil (i.e. polytheism and committing crimes and sins, invoking and worshipping others besides Allah)?" Thus do We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, so that they may turn (unto the truth)." [Quran 7: 172-174]
déjà vu comes from the spirit. It is a result of premonitions prior and during life on planet Earth. Your brain, which operates like the memory and processor for the human body, latches on to these pre-witnessed events and attempts to process them.
You can focus on a normal or forgotten memory when you recollect it. However, when you try to focus on a déjà vu sensation you can’t. Simply put it is because it is not of this earth . . .  and neither, fundamentally, are you. Déjà vu comes from the spirit, not from the human brain, thus the memory functions of the brain do not apply.
The recent scientific research and other historical studies into the déjà vu phenomenon have my utmost respect. I firmly believe that as humanity on Earth moves forward into the 21st century we have to fully embrace science and all of its incredible findings — good or bad. However, in regards to déjà vu, I do not feel that science has the definitive answer to explaining this phenomena.
What does science says?
Recently published material from scientific research implies that the brain produces memories from the hippocampus region. A small section of this is called the dentate gyrus and is responsible for “episodic” memories which stores information that allows us to tell similar places and situations apart.
The dentate gyrus records a situation’s audio, visual, smell, sense of time, and other characteristics for the body’s future reference. When there is low performance from the dentate gyrus, the supposed memory problem of déjà vu occurs as the brain has difficulty in telling the difference between two extremely similar situations. In other words, the brain is not storing the lifetime memories well enough.
Apparently, as people age, déjà-vu-like confusion happens more often. It is also a frequent occurrence in people suffering from brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Posted by : Ramsha Amir

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