Thursday 12 September 2013

Lessons from History ( From the example of Hazrat Esa AS)

On the day of judgement, Almighty Allah will ask the Christians that why they made Hazrat Esa As and  his mother Allah's associate? The christians will speak a lie and will say, “ they told us to do so”. Then Almighty Allah  will ask Hazrat Esa AS :

“ Did you ask the people to make you and your mother a partner with ME?” ( Surah Al maida, verse 116)

It is evident that when Almighty Allah asks ( Did you say?) the usual answer will be against the respect and regard due to Almighty Allah. Thus Hazrat Esa AS will instead adopt a positive stance and reply in these words :

“ Had I said such thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner self though, I do not know what is in Yours: truly You only, are the All knower of all that is hidden”

When the falsehood of the Christians will be revealed Hazrat Esa AS will pray to Almighty Allah and seek forgiveness for his sinful people. In doing so he will not say, ( Do not inflict punishment on them), as saying so is against the respect and regard due to Almighty Allah, Thus he will put forth his request in these words:

“ If you punish them, they are Your slaves and if You forgive them, verily You , only You are the All mighty and all wise” ( Surah Al Maidah verse 118)

Source: Shaykha zulfiqar Ahmed
Posted by Ramsha Amir

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