Thursday 12 September 2013

Etiquette of sneezing and yawning.

Taken from the book of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed. he has recorded lectures at
Although sneezing and yawning are insignificant acts, yet shariah teaches us their etiquettes as well.
1) Hadith: When any one of you sneezes he should say ( All praise be to Allah) and the one who listens to a sneeze should say ( May Allah be merciful to you) ( Bukhari.)
One sneezes due to lighter body, opening up of the body pores and by not eating too much. Shah Wali Allah Muhaddis Dehlvi writes that by sneezing the condition of the brain improves and it is a cure. It if for this reason that Shariah has ordered the one who sneezes that he should thank Almighty Allah .
2) Sometimes viscid fluid comes out of the nose while sneezing. Therefore, while sneezing one should cover his mouth with his hand or a piece of cloth. Furthermore, the noise of sneezing should be kept low. The holy Prophet sws used to do the same.
3) Some conditions of humans are against his dignity. One feels irksome to watch such conditions. For example, when one yawns his mouth opens and noise of Aaha or HAHA emerge. The natural appearance of the face changes and a ridiculous appearance is created. It is for this reason that the Holy Prophet sws said, " Yawning is from satan when someone utters AaAa in this condition, the satan laughs on him from within his stomach. ( Tirmizi).
4) At times satan makes fly or a mosquito enter the mouth of the one yawning. The Holy Propeht sws said, " When you feel like yawning, place your hand on your mouth and try to stop it, because the satan enters. ( Muslim).
5) The primary order is that one should try his best to stop the yawn. If it is not possible, then one should place the hand on the mouth.
It is against the etiquettes to creates noises of Haha.
POSTED BY : Ramsha Amir.

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