Wednesday 11 September 2013

Makrooh (undesirable)???

A student once came to a shakyh (Islamic scholar) and asked  him
" I have a question. Can you please tell me whether smoking is allowed in Islam?"
The shakyh replied," Its Makrooh"
The student was confused as he did not know what does Makrooh means.
Watching his confused expressions, the shakyh smiled at him and said, " Let me ask you a question! Suppose cigarettes were available during the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  Can you think or Imagine Prophet(pbuh)  smoking cigarettes or taking even a puff of cigarette? "
The student was disgusted and replied in horror " No, By God that is something even more the Haraam!!!"
The shakyh then replied," Yes, that exactly what is called Makrooh. Whenever you are confused about any matter, ask your heart whether Prophet(pbuh) might have done this or done that? And your heart will always reply to you because deep down in it there is always an answer. So if your heart replies no then leave that matter, you have nothing to do with it. "
The shakyh then further summarized the definition of Makrooh as " An action that is not affiliated with the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh) is Makrooh. It will not give you any good in this world or Hereafter"

Jahanzaib Jamshed

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