Thursday 12 September 2013

Etiquette for teacher 2 ( A teacher should be kind to His students and should consider Them his sons)

The Holy Prophet PBUH said :

“ I sws am for you as a father for his son”

When the students used to come to Hazrat Abu Saeed Khadree ( ra) , he would say that bear in mind the words of the Holy Prophet sws:

“ Soon the earth will be subdued for you. And young people will come to you , who will be hungry knowledge. They will be desirous of ( an insight of the religion). They would want to learn religion from you. Thus, whenever they come- teach them, be kind to them, look after them and tell Ahadith ( Jamee Al Biyan Al ilm).

Imam Abu Yousaf (ra) states that the teachers should interact with their students with such sincerity and affection that an outsider considers them their children. The son of an Aalim e Deen misbehaved with his father's student. The Aalime Deen lost temper and said “ Remember he is the child of my chest, where as you are the child of my urine”.

Hazrat Mualana Rasheed Gangohee (ra) would treat his students with great love and affection. Once it suddenly started raining while he was imparting lesson to his students sitting in the compound of the mosque. In order to prevent their books and notebooks from getting wet in the rain, the students ran towards their rooms leaving their shoes behind. Hazrat Gangohee ra spread a piece of cloth on the ground, placed the shoes of all his students  on it and carried the bundle on his head to the students. When the students saw this, they were amazed and astonished and said , “ why did you do so, we would have collected our shoes ourselves, hazrat replied , “ the people who study ( What Allah swt said and what Holy Prophet said), if Rasheed Ahmed doesnt pick their shoes, what else should he do ?”

Whenever a student fell sick , Hazrat Mualana Mamlook Ali ra used to visit him personally at his residence , and not only enquired about his health but also used to  comfort him by all means possible. In those days , the hostel was not yet constructed and the students were residing in different mosques and houses.

A teacher should not punish a student while in anger and rage, It is folly to make a hole in the container in which one wants to put something. When the heart of a student is perforated with beating, then how can one put something good therein? To scare and pressurize a student may be useful in the short term, but its impact is only temporary. It is a fact that only that teacher raises his hand to beat a student who accepts that he is incapable of teaching him verbally. Fusing fear in the hearts of young children is synonymous to exposing a delicate and soft plant to fierce and hot weather. Imam Ghazaili ra used to state that a teacher should be tolerant and gentle by nature, Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran:
“ If you ses were cruel and merciless. They would have run away from you sws”

When almighty Allah states this for the Holy Propher ses then what is our standing? Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ra stated, “ Do not consider yourself a learned man till you have anger in you, “ Just as a patient avoids bitter medicine, similarly a student feels miserable in attaining knowledge from a furious teacher.

It is written in Taleem Al Mutta alam, that a son of an affectionate teacher is also an Aalim because a teacher endeavours that his students should become an Aalim, thus, due to the Barkat of his desire and his affection, his son also becomes an Aalim. It is written in the biography of Imam Rabbani Hazrat Mujaddid Alf sani that a student was reciting the Holy Quran while sitting on a floor covering. Hazrat Mujaddid ra suddenly noticed that he himself was occupying more floor covering than the student. He immediately removed the additional covering from under him and spread it under the student. A teacher should always be considerate and gentle with his students.

Source: Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed's book for more info on him

Posted by: Ramsha Amir

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