Thursday 12 September 2013

Etiquettes for teachers. ( Etiquette 1)

This is referring to teachers of religious knowledge in particular knowledge of islam, this has been taken from the author Shaykh Zzulfiqar Ahmed who is one of the renowned scholars in this day and age, more information about him can be taken from which is his website.

  1. A teacher should not desire remuneration for teaching:

A teacher should teach purely for the consent of Almighty Allah and should state self evidently ( O my people! I dont seek a return on this from you, my reward is with almighty Allah)
Instead of keeping an on the pockets of people, he should look towards Almighty Allah and his treasures. We must not forget that Almighty Allah provides subsistence to the Ulema from the same sources from which HE provided it to the Prophets.

A teacher should not leave one Madrassa and shift to another one for merely worldly comfort and pleasure or for increase in salary. Doing so should not be considered a minor thing as it means using knowledge as a source of seeking the world. The Holy Prophet :
“ Who ever has taught a knowledge due to which the consent of Almighty Allah can be obtained, but his objectives was to seek the world, even the breeze of the heavens will not touch such a person.”

Yahee Bin Muaz ( RA) used to say, “ When world is seeked by knowledge and wisdom, both loose their charm”
A statement of Hazrat Umer ( RA) states: “ When you see an Aalim who loves the world, consider him suspectful in matters of religion, because one remains busy with what he loves”

In the word of poet: “ Those meals are bad that you acquire with indignity, the pot is on the stove but honour is ruined.

Hazrat Khateeb ( RA) has reproduced an episode in Kifaya that a student of famous Hafiz Hadith Hammad Bin Salma was very rich. Once he presented a number of things to his teacher. Hazrat Hammad said to him, “ You have to accept one out of these two- If you desire I will accept these gifts but I will not teach you Ahadith in future. And if you desire to take further lessons in Ahadith from me, then I will not accept these gifts.( Kifaya)

Umer Bin Harees presented a few camels to Abu Abdul Rehman Salmee ( RA), who returned the camels stating “ I have taught Holy Quran to your son. To accept remuneration for teaching  the Book of Allah is not befitting.

It is written about the famous narrator of Ahadith Hazrat Zikria Adee ( RA) that once he developed pain in his eyes.  Someone brought collyrium to him. Hazrat Zikria Adee ( RA) asked, “ Do you study ahadith from me? He said, “ yes”.
“ How can I accept remuneration for teaching ahadith,” was the reply.

Once mualana Murtaza Hassan ( RA) submitted to Hazrat Hakeem Al Ummat ( RA), “ Hazrat, I feel perturbed to accept my salary as it is equivalent to selling the religion.” Hakeem Al Ummat replied, “ One must draw his salary, because it will prick the mind to fulfil the responsibilities  in the best manner.” Mualana again submitted, “ This is a prudent excuse, but it definitely amounts to selling the religion”. Hakeem Al Ummat replied, “ To understant the point that by accepting salary one sells his religion or not, remember, that if one is getting adequate salary at one place and is offered more salary at another place without increased opportunity of service of the religion, and if one shifts to the second place, then it amounts to selling one's religion.

Hazrat Mualana Muhammad Idrees Khandhelvi was working on a very high salary in the state of Bahawalpur. The founder of Jamea Ashrafia Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Hassan wrote to him “ Hazrat, you often eat Biryani of the rich, please do accept pulse of poor like us.” Hazrat Khandhelvi presented his resignation without any hesitation and thereafter spent his entire life in service of the religion at Jamea Ashrafia.

When the foundation stone of Jamea Islamia was laid in the state of Bahawalpur, the Nawab of Bahawalpur asked the respected Ulema, “ How do you plan to attract the pupils at this Jamea.” They replied, “ We will tell you the name of the practicing Aalim. If you hire him to organize the education at this Jamea, people will automatically be attracted towards this Jamea”. The Nawab replied “ Agreed you select the diamond, I will pay for it.” When the construction of the building was completed, the Nawab of Bahawalpur asked, which Aalim should be given the responsibility of running the affairs here?” The respected Ulema recommended the name of Hazrat Mualana Nanotwee ( RA). The Nawab of Bahawalpur asked, “ What is the salary he is drawing at Deo band? “ Two or three rupees per month was the reply” On hearing this the Nawab of Bahawalpur said, “ Please go to him as a delegation and offer him to come here and manage this Jamea. He will be given all help and assistance to impart best religious education. In addition he will be given a monthly salary of one hundred rupees. The Ulema felt very happy at the generosity of the Nawab and after a few days reached Deoband as a delegation. They explained the merits of Jamea Islamia of Bahawalpur before Hazrat Nanotwee ( RA) with great fervour. They also highlighted the religious mindedness and benevolence of the Nawab . In addition they apprised Hazrat Nanotwee ( RA) that he will be given a monthly salary of one hundred rupees. After hearing everything Hazrat Nanotwee RA said, here I get a salary of three rupees. My household expenditure is two rupees. I distribute the third rupee among the poor and the needy. If I go to Bahawalpur and take one hundred rupees after keeping two rupees with me for house hold expenditure I will have to distribute remaining amongst the poor and the needy. Thus my entire time will be spent is distributing this money and I will find no time to impart education to the students. Thus I am sorry, I cannot accept your office. The Ulema were answerless on hearing this reply.

JazakumAllah khair for reading.

Source: Book: Be courteous be blessed by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Posted by: Ramsha Amir.

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