Wednesday 11 September 2013

Ablution (Wudu)

Allah swt says in the Quran (5:6)
“O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles...”
Ablution is the washing of the body parts, which the Muslims should perform before praying Salah. Without Ablution, Salah stands void. Ablution hold great merits and its performance has been made obligatory on Muslims.
The Prophet(pbuh) said, “ The adornment of the believer (in Jannah) will reach places where the water of Wudu reaches (in body)”              [Muslim]
Ablution has been made a means of remission of minor sins. Prophet (pbuh) said,
“He who performs Wudu perfectly (according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even under his nails.”                                                   [Muslim]
At another place he (pbuh) said,
“When a Muslim or a believer, washes his face(in the course of Wudu), every sin which he committed with his eyes, will be washed away from his face with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin which he committed by his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin his feet committed will be washed away with water or with the last drop of water; until he finally emerges cleansed of all his sins.”                                                                         [Muslim]
SubhanAllah, every part we wash will lead to erasing of sins committed by that specific body part. Prophet (pbuh) once said to his companions
“Shall I not tell you something by which Allah effaces the sins and elevates rank in Jannah?” The companions replied, “Certainly O Messenger of Allah”
He replied, “Performing Wudu thoroughly in spite of difficult circumstances, walking with more paces to the mosque, and waiting for next As-Salat (the prayer) after observing Salat…”                                                            [Muslim]
Not only this, Wudu will be a Light on the Day of Judgment and will be only provided to those who used to do Ablution in the world. Also Prophet(pbuh) will recognize his Ummah from their Light given to them because of Ablution.
Prophet (pbuh) went to a cemetery and said, “May you be secured from punishment, O dwellers of abode of believers! We, if Allah wills, will follow you. I wish we see my brothers.” The Companions said, “O Messenger of Allah! Are we not your brothers?” He (pbuh) replied, “You are my companions, but my brothers are those who have not come into the world yet” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, how will you recognize those of your Ummah who are not born yet?” He (pbuh) replied, “Say if a man has white footed horses with white foreheads among horses which are pure black, will he not recognize his own horses?”  They said, “Certainly O Messenger of Allah” he(pbuh) replied
“They (my followers) will come with bright faces and white limbs because of Wudu and I will arrive at the Haud (Al-Kauther) ahead of them”        [Muslim]

So Ablution holds great merits and rewards. One must try to remain in Wuzu more often he can as according to some scholars “Wuzu keeps a person away from the whispers of Shaytan” or “Wuzu is a shield against sins”.
By Jahanzaib Jamshed

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