Wednesday 11 September 2013

Focusing Your Heart.

One of the central themes of purifying our souls is an idea called Waquf Al Qalbi. This word Waquf Al Qalbi is an Arabic word which comes from Waqafa Yaqafu, which means to stop, halt or stand still. Al Qalbi means, pertaining to the heart so the entire word means ,the halting of heart or standing still of heart. It is very important to understand the importance of Waqaf Al Qalbi so that we are able to implement this in our lives to get closer to Allah swt.

A person through his ibadat(Worship to Allah), daily zikar(remembrance of God ) and submission to Sunnah( The way of the life of Prophet sws)  comes to a state where his heart stops on Allah swt(God). That is the focus of heart, aspirations and dreams are all for Allh swt and  for the sake of Allah swt. You heart starts to have no dirty feelings, no filth and no ill feelings as you start remembering Allah swt, but this state requires some effort before you start achieving this state.

However, before we understand as to how this state is achieved it is important to understand as to how this concept of Waquf Al Qalbi exists in our daily life in so many thing, and our focus is to channel it towards Allah swt and give it a right direcetion.This exists in our daily life in so many ways unfortunately not on Allah. If some one in family passes away, for three or four days straight you will only think about that person, you cant believe the person is no more here. You are talking to your friend you are still thinking about that person. Heart standing still on it that is waquf al qalbi but on other than Allah swt. If you have a big exam tomorrow whether you are eating doing anything you will always remember exam your heart stops still on a particular thing, our goal should be that we get to a state no matter where we go, what we eat etc our heart always focus on Allah swt deep inside you always think about Allah.

How to achieve Waquf Al Qalbi? It is kind of strange as it is more than a state, it is an exercise. You cannot just say in the morning when you wake up that, iam now in wasquf al qalbi. This is because its a state that you have to enter that comes through exercising, by constantly returning your focus to Allah through out your day. Initially, it takes or is achieved by submission to Sunnah, regular salat ( Prayers) in masjid(mosque), then as you progress you will not have to do much effort as you will get used to this routine in which you submit to Allah alone. Result is no matter where you go, who ever you talk to you will always remember Allah you will have meaning in life. Then you will have a new criteria by which you can judge all your deeds in life, for example if you fight with your parents some day or hear something which you shouldnot have heard so you will feel deep decrease in Waquf Al Qalbi a decrease in spirituality and it is then when you can judge that you sinned which you should not have done. That is what Prophet sws said ask your heart whether you should do something or not. If you are regular in Waquf Al Qalbi your heart will never agree on doing sin. Such a state of heart only comes through Waqaful Qalbi.

Some of the common things that one should do everyday regualrly:

1) DO whatever Prophet sws did, come to Masjid to pray.
2)Reading Quran on regular basis.
3)Leaving sins.
4)Repent for your sins and recite Durood.

When you do these simple things then the state will begin to develop. May Allah give us the taufeeq to establish waquf al qalbi in our daily life.
By : Ramsha Amir source: A talk from ( titled: focusing your heart ( General talks) .

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