Thursday 12 September 2013

Lessons from History( The example of Hazrat Khizar AS):

In Surah Kahaf is described in detail the travel of Hazrat Moosa AS in the company of Hazrat Khizar AS. During the journey Hazrat Khizar AS drove a whole in a boat.
On inquiry he AS said ( I thought I must create a defect in it).

At another place he AS reconstructed a dilapidated wall of the house of two orphans. On inquiry he AS said :

“ Your lord desired that these two should dig out their wealth after growing up”

Although Hazrat Khizar AS had performed both tasks as per the will of Almighty Allah , yet due to immense respect and regard for Almighty Allah , he attributed the task which contained an element of wrongdoing( to drive a hole in the boat) to himself by saying ( I made it defective) and ascribed the task which depicted goodwill to Almighty Allah by saying , ( With the intention of Almighty Allah).
Posted by: Ramsha Amir

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