Thursday 12 September 2013

Some etiquettes for women mentioned by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed in his book be courteous be blessed.

  1. Should walk separately from men while walking along a path.
  2. Should not walk in the center of the path, should walk along the sides of it. ( Abu Daud).
  3. A woman who wears gold ornaments to project her superiority will receive Azaab. ( Abu Daud).
  4. Should not wear ornaments which create sound.
  5. To make do with ornaments of silver is better. ( Abu Daud).
  6. Women should keep applying Myrtle on their hand.
  7. The scent of the perfume applied by a woman may be noticeable but should not spread far away.
  8. Women should not wear thin clothes through which their bodies can be seen. ( Abu Daud).
  9. If the Dopatta ( a cloth thrown loosely over the head and shoulders by women) is thin, stitch a thick cloth underneath. ( Abu Daud).
  10. Women who adopt the appearance of men, receive the curse of Almighty Allah. ( Bukhari).
  11. A woman should not remain alone with a Na Mehram ( stranger) man. A woman should not travel at all with out a mehram.
  12. A woman cannot go to sacred places like mosque during her menses. She cannot touch the Holy Quran as well during her menses. However, if she touches anything else it doesnt become Na Paak.
  13. Almighty Allah likes cleanliness, therefore keep even the vacant places outside your houses clean. ( Tirmizi). Women should ensure cleanliness within the house themselves, and should get the outside of the house cleaned by children.

Posted By : Ramsha Amir.
To know more about Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed go to

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